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Note from Lisa: It’s been so much fun opening up my blog to guest posters! These amazing women have so many great strategies to share with you! Today’s post is from Shweta, and she is here to teach you all about how to repurpose blog content. And, if you don’t yet have a blog of your own, this post breaks it down into baby steps for you!
Take it away Shweta!
Are you a mom who’s running her blog as a side hustle or trying to juggle it with other household chores? Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels all day still no where close to reaching your blog goals?
If that’s you, then this post is for you.
You need lots of content to grow as a blogger. You need content for your:
- Blog posts
- Email newsletters
- Guest posts
- Freebies
- Paid courses
And that’s not all!
Once you create the content, you need to edit it, create engaging visuals, share it on various social platforms, connect with your community…it’s a long list.
I understand how overwhelming it can be. I have been there and know how it feels.
The looming blogging tasks dangle in front of your eyes when you are with your family. You wish you had more hours in a day or if there was some magic pill that could give you the superpower to keep yourself awake all the time.
That’s unrealistic!
But, today we will discuss a very helpful method called Content Repurposing to help you solve this problem.
When you repurpose content you’re doing one or both of the following-
- Changing the format of the content or,
- Changing the target audience
Are you ready to get started? Here are…
7 Ways to Repurpose Blog Content
These seven strategies will help you get the most out of each piece of content.
#1- Blog Post to Social Media Content
I took snippets from this article and shared it on LinkedIn as writing tips every day. Since it was a long article (3k words with 37 points) I had enough content for my social media posts for a month.
Adding continuity like that is a another big factor when turning your blog post into social media content.
Whether it’s a series on the blog or social media posts, it works like a charm. You can add a small teaser at the end of the post like:
‘Tomorrow I’ll talk about how to attract the right audience and one quick hack.”
That’s sufficient to strike fire in their belly. They will look out for your post the next day.
I got great engagement on my social media profile that month.
Moreover, when it’s a series of posts people will ask you ’Hey I missed your writing tip #7 can you please send the link’.
Does it take time?
Absolutely no.
Simply automate it with a free tool like Buffer or Tailwind.
#2- Emails to Blog Posts and Vice-a-Versa
One common I question that I receive is “Shweta, How do I know what topic to write for my blog and emails?“
While I have a long answer to this question, here’s the crux.
My email content is an extension of the blog posts. So, when I write content for my blog post some quick hacks and tricks go in my email content. This is a good way to reward your subscribers to be on your list and it’s easier for you to churn out email topics that are related to the content on your site and resonates with your audience.
Other quick ideas for email content are:
- Answer queries in the comment section in detail in your emails. If you get a ton of comments on your blog posts and you think that a question asked could help many other subscribers go ahead and share the answer with your subscribers.
- If you have five or six blog posts on a similar topic then you can quickly assemble points from a couple of them. And, boom! You have fresh content for your list
Another quick way to churn out a blog post is to find out your most popular email (that had highest open rate, click rate or on which you got the maximum number of responses) and expand it into a full-blown out blog post.
With a good email response rate you have not just validated the interest of your audience, you have some content already written.
![7 simple ways to repurpose blog content](
#3- Plan a Series of Posts
I did a series of posts on content planning on my site.
When you sit down to write, the biggest chunk of your time goes in research. Once you have finished writing one blog post, see how you can write more about the same topic. It helps you because:
Almost all of the research is already done
You know what keywords to target
Your audience will find an in-depth content on your site (they will love you for this)
There are more chances for your website to rank for these words as Google will find several blog posts on similar topics with interlinkings.
Note from Lisa: Series are a great way to blog for traffic! Here’s a post on how to plan an epic A-Z series of your own. And if you need additional tips for growing your blog traffic, I highly recommend Elna Cain’s Ready Set Blog for Traffic course!
#4- Blog Post to Slideshare
Did you know that social signals boost your authority not just in the eyes of Google but also your readers? Different people like to consume content in different ways, so you need to create different forms of content.
So here I wrote an article and uploaded the pdf to Slideshare.
#5- Blog Posts to Video
Why should you have a video in your blog post?
I write every day. I hate to say this, but text is not as engaging as videos. With videos, people stay on your blog for longer. You get more inbound links. The benefits are countless.
But creating videos is difficult.
Not much.
Here’s this free tool you can use to quickly create a video of your blog post and embed in the article or publish on YouTube.
At least you can do it for some of your popular blog posts.
#6- Content Upgrade to Blog Post
I love freebies!
I am sure you love them too.
We keep creating guides, swipe files, e-books, and courses to build our email lists, right? Some of them must not be doing that great. If this is the case, you can convert those under-performing freebies into a blog post or email content.
#7- Blog Post to Course
As the saying goes- ‘Money is in the list’ we need email subscribers. Courses are currently one of the best lead magnets (quizzes are the other).
You might think it’s an uphill task to take on course creation.
I would say not at all.
You don’t have to start from scratch. You can repurpose your blog and email content into a good e-course offered free of cost on your site to capture emails.
I would suggest don’t just put them together, go a little deeper. Add some fresh content and ensure it’s valuable for your ideal reader.
Wrapping It Up
I hope you have some idea now how you can redress the content you have already created without much effort, use it to its full potential.
I would love to hear how you repurpose your content or if any of the above ideas worked for you.
![shweta saxena guest blogger](
Shweta Saxena
Shweta is a content marketing strategist who helps small businesses create content that helps them sell more. Are you struggling with the writer’s block? Steal her swipe file of 105 blog post ideas (2 years worth of content ideas). Click here to download.