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Yikes–do you know what happened?
I put off writing April’s income report because I was pretty bummed about the numbers. Then, it sort of threw me off schedule.
You see, I used to write about my income for the previous month around the first of the next month. That makes sense, right?
Now here it is almost July, and I’m finally getting around to posting about May.
But, my income report is back on my “to-do” list, so June’s won’t take forever to appear.
Let’s dive into May.
First the good news: it wasn’t as dismal as April!
Now the bad news: it still wasn’t a stellar month.
The numbers look a little misleading, because I tackled a ton of shipping for a client in May. So while my income looks pretty decent, my expenses were out the roof. Much of that “income” was really “reimbursement.”
Are you confused yet? I know I am!
And if you’re wondering why in the world I’m bothering to post an income report in the first place, you can head to this post and see. That was the first income report I ever posted, and I’ve been doing them every month since.
Here’s how the numbers played out for May:
Income: $1446.78
Besides the reimbursement income, the rest was entirely writing, including my first check for an article that’ll be posted in a physical magazine.
That was exciting, and I can’t wait for it to be published!
Expenses: $922.38
See–crazy expenses for May! It costs a lot of money to mail things internationally!
In addition to shipping, my other expenses were typical:
- ConvertKit Subscription
- All those PayPal fees
- Mastermind membership
I also grabbed a copy of KingSumo Giveaways to hold my first giveaway, and had some minor expenses for that giveaway. Though most of those expenses will show in June.
So my total profit for May was only $524.40 – a full hundred dollars more than in April.
Plans Going Forward
Honestly, having two low months in a row almost killed my desire to keep pushing forward.
I even contemplated dropping my application for a local teaching job.
But, my husband talked me out of it. He convinced me to keep pushing. And I’m thankful I listened to him.
Because things are improving. My April and May weren’t total losses. I spent way more time pitching than I normally do, and the Lord brought some great contacts along my way.
It’s been a blessing, being able to earn money from home while I’m with the kids. And I’m thankful for the lessons in perseverance and trust that I’ve been learning.
My business might be moving along more like a turtle than a cheetah, but I’m still thankful for it!
I’m learning to step outside my comfort zone (total introvert here–don’t like reaching out to people I don’t know!) and I’m gaining so much confidence in myself and my abilities.
I’m thankful I walked through those two rough months–I think it’ll help me to be more appreciative going forward.
Things are definitely looking up! I held my first giveaway, landed some new clients, and gained confidence. It’s amazing how trials can do that to you!
How was your May?
I hope you had a great May, but if you didn’t, remember to keep looking forward. Keep making changes to your business and keep marketing so you don’t get stagnant. But don’t wallow in your despair.
Here’s to a bright June for all of us!
Lisa Tanner is a former teacher turned homeschooling mom with 11 kids. She's also a successful freelance writer. Lisa enjoys helping other busy moms find time to start and grow a side hustle of their own.