Are you struggling to grow your business as you work at home with kids?
Do you wonder how you’ll find time to work?
Are you worried about getting it all done?
I’m here to help!
As a homeschooling mom of nine, with an established freelance writing and virtual assistant business, I totally understand what you’re feeling.
And I’ve found plenty of tricks and strategies for juggling life and work. I want to help you do more.
Scroll down for 26 of my best tips – one for every letter of the alphabet! You can click on each title to go read the full post.
If you’d like a PDF guide with all of the tips in one place, simply enter your name and email address below and it’ll arrive in your inbox.
26 Strategies to Help You Work at Home With Kids
A is for Accept Your Limitations
If you can only work part-time, don’t try to shove a full day’s worth of work into your life. Give yourself boundaries within your limitations.
B is for Begin by Filling Their Cups
Starting the day off right makes all the difference!
C is for Create a Work Space
Where are you going to work? Make sure it has what you need to be successful.
D is for Dare to Dream
Dream big for your business, and evaluate opportunities to see if they move you toward those dreams.
E is for Engage Your Kids
Kids left to fend for themselves create flour roads for their cars to drive through. On the kitchen floor. Don’t let that happen, trust me! Engage your kids instead.
F is for Fight Fear
Don’t let fear hold you back. Fight against it.
G is for Get Outside
Fresh air is essential for everyone, so head out with the kids and run around for a bit. You’ll all feel saner when you come back in!
H is for Humor Helps
Sometimes all you can do is laugh…
I is for Integrate Your Kids
Kids rise and fall to meet our expectations. Teach yours to work alongside you.
J is for Join Other Mamas
Working from home with kids can be lonely. Meet up with other mamas regularly, even if it’s virtually.
K is for Kick Comparisons to the Curb
You do you. You’ll never be anyone else, so don’t try to imitate someone else.
L is for Love What You Do
If you don’t love your business, it’ll be even harder to work in it.
M is for Make Self-Care a Priority
Taking care of yourself is not selfish. Don’t feel guilty about it.
N is for Noise Happens, Learn to Embrace It
(cue screaming child) Kids aren’t always quiet. You might as well get used to working in the noise.
O is for Organization Is Essential
If you aren’t organized, you’ll be missing your deadlines, forgetting to invoice clients, or spend too much time trying to figure out what to do. So get organized!
P is for Pay for Time Saving Tools & Services
Don’t spend hours doing something someone else can do in a couple of minutes. Your time is valuable, and sometimes it’s worth paying someone to get more of your time back.
Q is for Quiet Time Is Your Friend!
If your kids have outgrown naps, you need quiet time! And so do they, really.
R is for Remain Flexible
Life with kids is rarely predictable. Don’t make your schedule dependent on everything going according to your plans.
S is for Streamline as Much as Possible
Streamline your tasks both in work and business to get more done.
T is for Tuck Them in Early
Don’t let your kids stay up too late! You’ll get more work time and they’ll be less grumpy.
U is for Use Your Time Wisely
Wasting time doesn’t help.
V is for Value Yourself
You are valuable and don’t need to work for free forever. Charge for what you do.
W is for Work During Family Writing Time
Family writing time is my favorite strategy when I work at home with kids!
X is for Xerox What Works
There’s no need to reinvent the wheel if you found something that works. But, if it doesn’t work, don’t keep trying to make it work. Change it.
Y is for Yield When Necessary
There will be times when life events slow you down. Don’t let it stop you completely.
Z is for Zoom to Increase Productivity
Learning to work faster helps you get more done.